As said in How to Rebuild your NISSAN/DATSUN OHC Engine — a very often recommended book for good reason — it seems like the Nissan engineers attempted to come up with as many different unique bolt sizes as possible. Couple that with the fact that some auxiliary hardware that was optional across even one engine (potentially related to optional air conditioning), these bolts are truly different sizes across the board.
If you’re following that book as I did, the author instructs to keep the bolts in one bag. I would advise against that. This is one of the most important components for which you need to keep your bolts perfectly well organized. Take the extra time to tag/bag each bolt and note where it came from. I have included a chart for you to use that I will refer to in this article moving forward.

Apologies for the odd lettering scheme — I had to switch things around and then avoid confusing myself! Here is a chart with the sizes for these, some caveats for installation, and the torque specs. The sizes are approximate when it comes to length, but should be accurate within a millimeter.
M6 bolts get torqued to 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb (0.4 – 1.0 kg-m) and M8 bolts get torqued to 7.2 – 12 ft-lb (1.0 – 1.6 kg-m).
Bolt | Name (if applicable) | Size | Hex Size | Hardware Notes | Torque to: |
T1 | Left Cylinder Head to Front Cover Bolt | M6 x 1.0 x 19mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb |
T2 | Right Cylinder Head to Front Cover Bolt | M6 x 1.0. x 19mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb |
A | M8 x 1.25 x 80mm (25mm of threads) | 13mm | Includes a Lock Washer and Flat Washer, Secures Alternator Bracket | 7.2 – 12 ft-lb | |
B | M8 x 1.25 x 80mm (25mm of threads) | 13mm | Includes a Lock Washer and Flat Washer | 7.2 – 12 ft-lb | |
C | M6 x 1.0 x 41mm (22mm of threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb | |
D | M8 x 1.25 x 45mm (23mm of threads) | 13mm | Includes a Lock Washer and Flat Washer | 7.2 – 12 ft-lb | |
E | M8 x 1.25 x 83mm (25mm of threads) | 13mm | Includes a Lock Washer and Flat Washer | 7.2 – 12 ft-lb | |
F | Top Timing Indicator Tab Bolt | M6 x 1.0 x 19mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb |
G | Bottom Timing Indicator Tab Bolt | M6 x 1.0 x 19mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb |
H | M6 x 1.0 x 21mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb | |
I | M6 x 1.0 x 21mm (full threads) | 10mm | Includes a Lock Washer | 2.9 – 7.2 ft-lb |